
Saturday, April 24, 2021

My Tiered Tray Treasures

 I bought a tiered tray about 3 weeks ago.  I eventually want to fill it with cross stitch pillows and the like.  I currently have little knick knacks on it.  I bought some and I had some in my collection.  

Here is a picture of the entire tiered tray.

I had to add the blue gingham fabric to the tray to make it fit in with what is in my kitchen and the blue curtains in my dining room.  I bought a wooden letter B and painted it navy blue, I bought the little blue frame and put a picture of my daughter with her doggie in it.  The other picture in the family photo holder is a picture of me with my brothers taken at the family wedding we all attended in June 2019.  I bought the blue beads and strung them on twine.  I added the blue soapstone kitty cat figurines.  I made some crocheted lace to put on the spool which is the stand for a tiny tabby cat ceramic.  The red gingham cocoa mug is a piece from my childhood.  My father bought a mug for each of his three kids.    I treasure that mug.  My father died when I was 5.5 years old.  I bought the little creamers that are holding my ceramic kitty measuring spoons.  I also bought a  heart rock, a blue star, and the white house that lights up.  The plaid fabric heart is one I sewed up in a hurry to get some soft stuff in my tiered tray.  I also have a small ceramic aqua colored watering can that I added to the tray.  Not in keeping with my colors, but it is small and cute.

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