
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sandwiched Quilt Ready To Be Quilted And Re-Making A Quilt

   I have my She Who Sews quilt sandwiched and ready to straight line quilt.  The machine is set up and I meant to start on it today but I got sidetracked with my next project.

   Yesterday I had lunch with Dear Daughter and we did some shopping.  She gave me a string quilt made from polyester fabrics that her grandmother made for her half brother when he was born.  I was supposed to mend the tears in it.  Dear Daughter's half brother was born in 2000 and her almost 90 year old grandmother finished this in 2003.  Dear Daughter remembers that her grandmother was having a hard time making herself finish this quilt.

   Dear Daughter and I assessed her half brother's quilt yesterday and realized that it did not have any batting in it, the binding was made by folding the backing to the front and sewing it on with the machine, it was kind of messy, and it was not very well quilted.  So we decided that I would take the quilt apart, mend the tears, add a batting, a new backing, do some straight line quilting on it and do a proper binding job on it.  The quilt measures about 56" x 56".  So my mending job has turned into re-making a quilt.  Dear Daughter and I went to Joann Fabrics to get backing/binding fabric and a nice new batting.  I spent the day today taking the binding/backing off the quilt and pinning up all the blocks that need mending.  I wanted to get a sense of how much needed to be mended.  Now that I have it ready to be mended I can get back to my She Who Sews quilt project.

    Here's a picture of the polyester quilt that I took yesterday before I dismantled it.

1 comment:

Jamie Bassett said...

Thank you, dear mommy! I know I said this before but wanted to post just how awesome it looks and how thankful I am for your help!